Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Tools for calculating open-water evaporation using the aerodynmaic mass-transfer approach.

import cmath as cm
import numpy as np
import math as m
import pandas as pd
import multiprocessing as mp

[docs]class Aero(object): """ Manages meterological time series input/output for aerodynamic mass-transfer evaporation calculation and contains methods for batch and single calculations. An :obj:`Aero` object allows the aerodynamic mass-transfer evaporation estimation to be calculated from meterological data that is stored in a :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` with a date or datetime-like index. The :attr:`Aero.df` can be assigned on initialization or later, it can also be reassigned at anytime. The :meth:`Aero.single_calc` static method calculates evaporation for a single measurement set and can be used without creating an :obj:`Aero` object, e.g. in another module. For calculating evaporation for a time series of input meterological data use the :meth:`` method which uses multiple processors (if they are available). """ def __init__(self, df=None): if df is not None and not isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame): raise TypeError("Must assign a pandas.DataFrame object") self._df = df
[docs] def run(self, sensor_height, timestep, variable_names=None, nproc=None): """ Run aerodynamic mass-transfer evaporation routine on time series data that contains necessary input in-place and in parallel. Arguments: sensor_height (float): height of sensor in meters. timestep (float or int): sensor sampling frequency in seconds. Keyword Arguments: variable_names (None or dict): default None. Dictionary with user variable names as keys and variable names needed for :mod:`aeroevap` as values. If None, the needed input variables must be named correctly in the :attr:`Aero.df` dataframe: 'WS', 'P', 'T_air', 'T_skin', and 'RH' for windspeed, air pressure, air temperature, skin temperature, and relative humidity resepctively. nproc (None or int): default None. If none use half of the available cores for parallel calculations. Returns: None Hint: A :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` must be assigned to the :attr:`Aero.df` instance property before calling :meth:``. If the names of the required meterological variables in the dataframe are not named correctly you may pass a dictionary to the ``variable_names`` argument which maps your names to those used by ``AeroEvap``. For example if your surface temperature column is named 'surface_temp' then >>> variable_names = {'surface_temp' : 'T_skin'} """ if not isinstance(self._df, pd.DataFrame): print( 'ERROR: no pandas.DataFrame assigned to Aero.df, please ' 'assign first.' ) return if variable_names is not None: df = self._df.rename(columns=variable_names) else: df = self._df df['date'] = df.index df['SH'] = sensor_height df['dt'] = timestep input_vars = ['date', 'WS', 'P', 'T_air', 'T_skin', 'RH', 'SH', 'dt'] if not set(input_vars).issubset(df.columns): print( 'ERROR: missing on or more needed columns for calculation:\n' '{}'.format(', '.join(input_vars)) ) return numeric_vars = ['WS', 'P', 'T_air', 'T_skin', 'RH', 'SH'] df[numeric_vars] = df[numeric_vars].astype(float) # run each input using n processors inputs = df[input_vars].values.tolist() if not nproc: nproc = mp.cpu_count() // 2 # use half cores pool = mp.Pool(processes=nproc) results =,inputs) pool.close() pool.join() results_df = pd.concat(results) output_vars = ['E', 'Ce', 'VPD', 'stability'] self._df[output_vars] = results_df[output_vars] for el in ['date', 'SH', 'dt']: if el in self._df: self._df.drop(el, axis=1, inplace=True)
@property def df(self): """ :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` containing input time series meterological data and calculated variables after running :meth:``. """ if isinstance(self._df, pd.DataFrame): return self._df @df.setter def df(self, df): if not isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame): raise TypeError("Must assign a pandas.DataFrame object") self._df = df
[docs] @staticmethod def single_calc(datetime, wind, pressure, T_air, T_skin, RH, sensor_height, timestep): """ Estimates open water evaporation using the aerodynamic mass transfer approach for a single time period. Arguments: datetime (datetime.datetime or str): date-time of measurements for error logging. wind (float): windspeed in m/s pressure (float): air pressure in mbar T_air (float): air temperature in C T_skin (float): skin temperature (water surface) in C RH (float): relative humidity (0-100) sensor_height (float): sensor height in m timestep (int or float): measurement frequency in seconds Returns (tuple): evaporation (mm/timestep), bulk transfer coefficient (Ce), vapor pressure deficit (kPa), and MOST stability (z/L) """ check=np.array( [wind, pressure, T_air, T_skin, RH, sensor_height] ).astype(float) if np.isnan(check).any() or np.isnan(timestep): #print('One or more variables missing on {}'.format(datetime)) return np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan ########################################################### #Constants K=0.41 #von Karman constant g=9.81 #gravity (m/s^2) a=0.0123 #Charnock constant ############################################################ #Calculate meterological variables #Sensort height (m) z=sensor_height #Convert from Celcius to Kelvin T_air=T_air+273.15 T_skin=T_skin+273.15 #Potential temperatures (air and skin) Kelvin T_air_pot=(T_air)*(1000./pressure)**(0.286) T_skin_pot=(T_skin)*(1000./pressure)**(0.286) #Atmospheric vapor pressure (kPa) (2m) e_air=(RH/100)*(0.6108*m.exp(((17.27*(T_air-273.15))/((T_air-273.15)+237.3)))) #Atmospheric specific humidity (kg/kg) (2m) q_air=0.62*e_air/(pressure/10-0.38*e_air) #Saturated Water-Surface vapor pressure (kPa) (0m) e_sat=0.6108*m.exp(((17.27*(T_skin-273.15))/((T_skin-273.15)+237.3))) #Saturated specific humidity at water surface (kg/kg) (0m) q_sat=0.62*e_sat/(pressure/10-0.38*e_sat) #Vapor Pressure Deficit (kPa) VPD=e_sat-e_air #Density of air (kg/m^3) density_air=(pressure/10*1000)/((T_air)*286.9*(1+0.61*q_air)) #Kinematic viscocity #Estimated using data from Montgomery, 1947 in Verburg, 2010 v=(4.94*10**-8*(T_air-273.15)+1.7185*10**-5)/density_air #Virtual Temperature Tv=T_air*(1+q_air*0.61) ############################################################### # Bulk Transfer Coefficient Iteration, Ce #Stable Condition (z/L > 0) #Initial Values for Iteration #Stability Function (Momentum) Sm=0 #Stability Function (Temperature) St=0 #Stability Function (Vapor) Sq=0 #Friction velocity Us=0 #Roughness Length of Momentem zo=.00010 #Friction Velocity of Momentum u_f=(K*(wind-Us))/(cm.log(z/zo)-Sm) #Roughness Length of Vapor zoq=7.4*zo*cm.exp(-2.25*(zo*u_f/v)**.25) #Roughness Legnth of Temperature zot=7.4*zo*cm.exp(-2.25*(zo*u_f/v)**.25) #Scaling Potential Temperature t_fv=(K*(T_air_pot-T_skin_pot))/(cm.log(z/zot)-St) #Scaling Humidity q_f=np.divide(K*(q_air-q_sat), cm.log(z/zoq)-Sq) #Monin-Obhukov Length L=np.divide(Tv*u_f**2, K*g*t_fv) try: # avoid crash with bad values causing log of 0 or neg values for x in range(0, 199): #Friction Velocity of Momentum u_f=np.divide((K*(wind-u_f)),(cm.log(z/zo)-Sm)) #Scaling Potential Temperature t_fv=np.divide((K*(T_air_pot-T_skin_pot)),(cm.log(z/zot)-St)) #Scaling Humidity q_f=np.divide((K*(q_air-q_sat)),(cm.log(z/zoq)-Sq)) #Stability Function of Momentum Sm=np.float64(-5.2*(z))/L #Stability Function of Vapor Sq=np.divide(np.float64(-5.2*(z)),L) #Roughness Length of Momemtum zc=np.divide(a*u_f**2,g) zs=np.divide(0.11*v,u_f) zo=zc+zs; #Roughness Length of Vapor zoq=7.4*zo*cm.exp(-2.25*(zo*u_f/v)**.25) #Monin-Obhukov Length L=np.divide((Tv*u_f**2),(K*g*t_fv)) except: print('Could not converge on {} for stable conditions'.format( datetime ) ) return np.nan, np.nan, np.nan stability_s = z/L if ~np.isreal(L): Ce_s=np.nan else: if np.real(stability_s) > 0: Ce_s=np.real(K**2/((cm.log(z/zo)-Sm)*(cm.log(z/zoq)-Sq))) else: Ce_s=np.nan ############################################################### #Unstable Conditions (z/L< 0) #Initial Values for Iteration #Stability Function (Momentum) Sm=0 #Stability Function (Temperature) St=0 #Stability Function (Vapor) Sq=0 #Friction velocity Us=0 #Roughness Length of Momentem zo=.00010 #Friction Velocity of Momentum u_f=(K*(wind-Us))/(m.log(z/zo)-Sm); #Roughness Length of Vapor zoq=7.4*zo*m.exp(-2.25*(zo*u_f/v)**.25); #Roughness Legnth of Temperature zot=7.4*zo*m.exp(-2.25*(zo*u_f/v)**.25); #Scaling Potential Temperature t_fv=(K*(T_air_pot-T_skin_pot))/(m.log(z/zot)-St); #Scaling Humidity q_f=(K*(q_air-q_sat))/(m.log(z/zoq)-Sq); #Monin-Obhukov Length L=np.divide((Tv*u_f**2),(K*g*t_fv)) try: for x in range(0, 199): #Friction Velocity of Momentum u_f=np.divide((K*(wind-u_f)),(cm.log(z/zo)-Sm)) #Scaling Temperature t_fv=np.divide((K*(T_air_pot-T_skin_pot)),(cm.log(z/zot)-St)) #Scaling Humidity q_f=np.divide((K*(q_air-q_sat)),(cm.log(z/zoq)-Sq)) #Input for Stability function calculations x=(1-16*(z/L))**.25 #Stability Function of Momentum Sm=2*cm.log((1+x)/2)+cm.log((1+x**2)/2)-2*cm.atan(x)+(m.pi/2) #Stability Function of Vapor Sq=2*cm.log((1+x**2)/2) #Roughness Length of Momemtum zc=np.divide(a*u_f**2,g) zs=np.divide(0.11*v,u_f) zo=zc+zs #Roughness Length of Vapor zoq=7.4*zo*cm.exp(-2.25*(zo*u_f/v)**.25) #Monin-Obhukov Length L=np.divide((Tv*u_f**2),(K*g*t_fv)) except: print('Could not converge on {} for unstable conditions'.format( datetime ) ) stability_u = z/L if ~np.isreal(L): Ce_u=np.nan else: if np.real(stability_u) < 0: Ce_u=np.real(K**2/((cm.log(z/zo)-Sm)*(cm.log(z/zoq)-Sq))) else: Ce_u=np.nan ################################################################# #Neutral Conditions, z/L=0 #Initial Conditions zo=.00010 try: # avoid crash with bad values causing log of 0 or neg values for x in range(0,199): #Friction Velocity of Momentum u_f=np.divide((K*wind),(np.emath.log(z/zo))) #Roughness Length of Momemtum zc=np.divide((a*u_f**2),g) zs=np.divide(0.11*v,u_f) zo=zc+zs #Roughness Length of Vapor zoq=7.4*zo*m.exp(-2.25*(zo*u_f/v)**.25) except: print('Could not converge on {} for neutral conditions'.format( datetime ) ) Ce_n=np.divide( (K**2), ((np.emath.log(np.divide(z,zo)))*(np.emath.log(np.divide(z,zoq)))) ) ################################################################ #Assign correct Ce value (stable, unstable, or neutral) if cm.isfinite(Ce_s): Ce=Ce_s stability = stability_s else: if cm.isfinite(Ce_u): Ce=Ce_u stability = stability_u else: Ce=Ce_n stability = 0 ################################################################ #Calculated evaporation in mm/timestep E=density_air*Ce*(q_sat-q_air)*wind*timestep return E, Ce, VPD, np.real(stability)
def _calc(input_list): """ Helper function for parrallel calculations, needs to be at top-level for pickling. date = input_list[0] WS = input_list[1] P = input_list[2] T_air = input_list[3] T_skin = input_list[4] RH = input_list[5] SH = input_list[6] dt = input_list[7] """ date = input_list[0] return pd.DataFrame( index=[date], columns=['E', 'Ce', 'VPD', 'stability'], data=[ Aero.single_calc( date, input_list[1], input_list[2], input_list[3], input_list[4], input_list[5],input_list[6],input_list[7] ) ] )